
Meet StockIQ – the user-friendly supply chain planning software

Welcome to a world where top-notch supply chain management and cutting-edge tech converge. With StockIQ, you gain an intelligent supply chain solutions and a dedicated team to supercharge operations.

StockIQ Product Illustration

From insights to action, we help elevate your supply chain

Demand Planning

Demand forecasting predicts future demand to optimize production and inventory, increase profits, and stay competitive by analyzing historical data, market factors, and consumer behavior.

Replenishment Planning

Replenishment planning predicts demand, manages inventory, and prevents stockouts or overstock. It boosts sales and lowers inventory costs, crucial for competitive businesses.

Supplier Performance

Transform your operations into a well-oiled machine by tapping into the full potential of your supply chain with StockIQ's advanced supplier performance management tools.

Promotion Planning

Marketing promotion requires effective planning involving goal setting, audience targeting, content creation, channel selection, and persuasion. Success depends on research, creativity, and continuous evaluation.


S&OP aligns departments, improves communication and enables efficient resource allocation to meet financial goals. It fosters collaboration and competitiveness through demand assessment and clear future vision.

Inventory Analysis

Suppliers must meet quality, delivery, cost, service, and innovation standards through good products, meeting deadlines, and adaptability. Monitoring is essential for improvement and successful results.

Tailormade Solutions for Your Industry

This isn’t our first rodeo – the StockIQ solution reflects our experience with hundreds of unique supply chain scenarios.

StockIQ Industries 2

Inside the Numbers

Expiration Notice

Inventory reduction


Improved planning cycle


Implementation process

28 Day

Increased customer satisfaction


Simplify your integrations with StockIQ

Why wait months to get the tools you need? StockIQ integrates seamlessly with your existing systems, including ERP and WMS connectors, accelerating your onboarding process.

Additional Features

Stay connected, wherever, whenever

StockIQ gives you the freedom to switch between platforms without limits. Pick between cloud-based or on-premise options, keeping full control over your data center. We'll deal with the techy parts, freeing you to focus on steering your business to new heights.

Ahead of the curve with real-time alerts and automatic updates

With StockIQ's auto alerts, you're always armed with the insights you need to make smart choices. We take care of the updates, so you always have the latest supply chain tools right at your fingertips.

Connect, customize, excel –– we adapt to your business needs

Free EBOOK Download

Top 10 Inventory Practices of Top Performing Distributors

What differentiates high-performing distributors from the rest of the pack? They're implementing these best practices for inventory management.

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