What Exactly is Order Picking

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There are many processes and systems involved in the supply chain, that ensure that products are received, shipped, and arrive at your customers in a timely manner. One common (and critical) process is order picking, which involves retrieving products from warehouse shelves to fulfill customer orders. While this task might seem simple enough in nature, […]

What is the Analysis of Covariance and What’s Its Relationship to Inventory Insights?

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Inventory-based businesses rely on data to inform their ordering, best meet the needs of customers, and maintain a competitive edge. The ability to accurately analyze and interpret inventory data translates to tangible business outcomes such as optimal stock levels, customer satisfaction, and increased revenue. This is especially true when it comes to inventory management, where […]

The Role of Social Network Analysis in Understanding and Improving Supply Chain Relationships

A visual representation of a warehouse network.

Supply chains are vast and complex networks, where different businesses work together to manufacture and distribute goods around the world. While business practices, technological systems, and even customers play a role in how the global supply chain functions, strong relationships are essential for ensuring smooth operations. This becomes particularly apparent when we consider how every […]

A Thorough Guide to Utilizing Supply Chain Planning Software

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Managing a supply chain is a vast, complex effort that requires decision-makers to collaborate internally, navigate external suppliers, and operate in notoriously unpredictable market conditions. But when you take a strategic, data-driven approach to managing your inventory and processes, you can best meet demand, keep operations running smoothly, and meet the needs of your customers. […]

Demand Re-Mapping for a Responsive Supply Chain

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The hallmarks of today’s supply chain are volatility, change, and fluctuations. Consumer preferences shift on a dime, the economy swings wildly, and global challenges can lead to unexpected shortages and delays. To thrive in this unpredictable environment, inventory-based businesses can create responsive supply chains that adjust and react in real time. This is known as […]

Effects of Leadership Changeover in the Supply Chain

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A strong, effective supply chain relies on many factors, such as vendors, manufacturers, and processes. But the true backbone of any supply chain organization is leadership, and the role of supply chain leadership has never been more crucial than it is today. The modern-day supply chain is complex, volatile, and agile. Things quickly change, including […]

Managing a Global Supply Chain

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Businesses today are operating in an interconnected, globalized world, and they’re increasingly reliant on the international flow of goods to meet consumer demand and stay competitive in the market. This is known as a global supply chain, which refers to a complex sourcing, distribution, production, and logistics network spanning different countries and regions. A global […]

Evaluating Risks Involved in the Supply Chain

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The global supply chain is a complex system that involves a network of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, and it’s the driver of global trade and economic activity today. Despite how essential this system is, many supply chain risks are present, which every entity within the supply chain needs to be prepared to navigate. What are […]

Critical Analysis of Supply Chain Agility

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Today’s global supply chain is characterized by constant change. From consumer preferences to technological advancements, this space is dynamic and evolving. What does this mean for organizations operating in this environment? They need to be able to adapt quickly, particularly if they want to hold a competitive edge. This is called supply chain agility, and […]

An Analysis of Supply Chain Integration

Supply chains consist of many different components, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. These different stakeholders typically all operate independently because they’re unrelated businesses. Despite these being completely separate organizations, they can’t function in silos. Instead, all of these different parties need to work together seamlessly, coordinating their supply chain processes, information, and relationships, to […]

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Top 10 Inventory Practices of Top Performing Distributors

What differentiates high-performing distributors from the rest of the pack? They're implementing these best practices for inventory management.

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