How Production Management Software Impacts You

Production management software has the potential to immensely impact your day-to-day business operations. If you have high-quality production management software, you may find it easier to keep up with the needs of your business.  On the other hand, if you’re trying to skip the production management software altogether, or you’re using a low-quality solution that […]

Achieving Cost Savings Through Supply Chain Optimization

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Cost savings is a top priority for most businesses in the supply chain. In a volatile market where consumer preferences change on a dime and inflation leads to price fluctuations, saving money helps businesses at every stage of the supply chain boost their revenue, improve their resilience, and assert market dominance. While there are many […]

The Key Components of Replenishment Planning

Replenishment planning helps keep inventory flowing steadily through your supply chain. Ideally, in an effective business model, you have a steady stream of inventory moving through your business.  Customers purchase the items you have put on the shelves, and you have the inventory needed to replace them in a timely manner. When you don’t keep […]

Understanding the Bullwhip Effect and Avoiding Excess Inventory

Even a slight change in ordering behavior at the consumer level can lead to a much bigger impact up the supply chain. No matter where your business is in that chain, you may notice significant changes in buying behavior as retailers place smaller orders. That can, in turn, make it much more likely that you […]

What Does an Ineffective Supply Chain Management System Look Like?

For many inventory-based businesses, supply chain management quickly grows inefficient and disjointed. You may find yourself struggling to effectively keep up with your inventory. Worse, you may discover that only a few members of your team know how to use the available tools, which can lead to serious problems if those individuals are not available.  […]

Should We Use a Blanket PO?

Choosing the right ordering style for your business is a critical part of your ordering process. In many cases, businesses may use more than one style of order to get the job done. Regular purchase orders are put in when you need a specific product at a specific time. They will include specific quantities of […]

What Does the Next Gen Supply Chain Look Like?

The future is here. Technology continues to advance by leaps and bounds in many arenas, including supply chain planning and management. Throughout the supply chain challenges of the past couple of years, from shortages in truckers to strikes and inventory shortages, technology has continued to grow by leaps and bounds, increasing the way many businesses […]

5 Transportation and Supplier Trends We’re Keeping Eyes On

The supply chain, like so many other things in the world, is changing. Technology has increased exponentially over the past couple of years, and the supply chain has become increasingly complex. Transportation issues have abounded for the past several years, frequently compounded by current events and the unique circumstances surrounding the last year. Having the […]

The Importance of Supplier Diversification

Your supply chain relies on multiple factors to keep up the steady stream of goods you need for your business. Whether you’re bringing in raw materials or finished products, you need to know that everything will arrive to the right location, on schedule, to keep your business flowing smoothly. Unfortunately, disruptions happen all too often.  […]

Are You Thinking About the Chinese New Year Yet?

Throughout the year, there are a number of seasonal challenges that you have to plan for in order to ensure that you can keep your supply chain flowing smoothly. However, there are challenges you may not think to account for as you plan for potential supply chain delays, particularly if they are not common events. […]

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Top 10 Inventory Practices of Top Performing Distributors

What differentiates high-performing distributors from the rest of the pack? They're implementing these best practices for inventory management.

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